That I have to vent! My nephew this last summer was viewing porn on my computer. I happen to stumble upon it by going through the history to find a website that I couldn't remember the name. Anyhow, by the time I discovered it, he was at his dad's. I had a talk with his mother. Oh, "it will never happen again." UGH. So now, today as an example, while I was out he went on my computer. How do I know? Well I had my suspicions, and Mazda, who was home, confirmed them. He has been erasing the history links. I always know. Simple enough, he isn't smart enough to return my favorites tab back to favorites. He leaves it on history. Today he went a step further and erased all the cookies! AHHHHHHHHHHH, YES, AHHHHHHH, he erased all my passwords. I don't save my pertinent ones, I,E. banking, but other sites I do. POOF, they are gone! I have spent the last hour seeing if I can retrieve them. If you don't restart the computer, there is a chance. Of course he didn't restart the computer. Yes, I recovered my passwords. But now, I can't figure out how to get the dialogue box back up. You know, the one that asks, "would you like windows to remember your password?" Do any of you Gen Xers know? I am going gray sitting here.
My sister just came in and I told her I was mad at her son. I explained diplomatically that if he can't be trusted to go on my computer and not visit appropriate sites, then he was not allowed on my computer. Simple enough. I can't trust him.
I still want my dialogue box. HELP, anyone? anyone?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
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1 comment:
SORRY you have to go through this crap! if there was anything i could do you know i would! i know i could take him. i float like a butterfly and i STING like a bee! i would go all ranger and joe on his ass!! ;)
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