Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nothing really

I have been so busy in my house with issues I don't care to post, that it has taken the spark out of me to write. I guess my spark comes from happiness and I haven't been all that happy this last week. Let's just say it goes back to my own New Year's resolution. You can go read archives in case you don't know. I can't believe how much life has been sucked out of me. Also, my brother is suddenly calling and coming around and I am ignoring him. I realize he is sick, but between three kids and autism, his mental condition sometimes just has no room. Actually my sister and nephew have taken up my reserves so I can't deal with my brother. My dad asked that I speak to my brother. i will, in my own time. Right now, I need to go buy a door knob without a lock. That will be enough drama for now.

I need to recharge. PLEASE ladies say you can get together SOON. Just a break for but a moment renews my soul.

I am going to go take a nap. I am exhausted. Restless sleep will do that to a person.

1 comment:

La Kloie said...

mom is saying that we might meet up on Friday, feb 1st so do you need me to be the watchers of kids?