Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Pleasant Sunday

Today, I took the kids up the coast to Carpenteria. We met up with my niece, her mom, and grandma to give them one of our minature pincher pups(they live Arroyo Grande). We caught up over lunch and just had a nice "girl" time, so to speak. I haven't spoken much with Jennifer since her and my brother divorced nine years ago. I realized I missed being friends with her. My brother let a good one get away!

After lunch we parted ways and I took the kids to the beach. It is easy to ponder and drift away with the waves and the surf. The storm was nearing its end over our heads, leaving only gray clouds and a cool wind. The water however was only on low tide, but it was pounding the shore relentlessly. We were able to go down into the rocky coves and find some treasures. Hermit crabs, to barnacles, to muscle shells and basic crab shells, to the neatest of rocks to ooh and awe over.

Morgen was busy filling her box, while Tyler and Takoda chose to throw rocks into the flow in creek. I on the other hand got caught up in life. I was taking in the broken shells, to smoothed out glass, to whole shells and magnificently worn rocks. It reminded me life is beautiful, even during storms. We can break, be battered, and worn down, but as long as we keep our perspective, the beauty remains. Waters get stormy and things get tossed around, but the sun eventually shines, the waters calm, and the skies are blue once again. High tide rolls in and covers all those wonderful hidden treasures. But for those who remain patient, low tide will come around again, and all those beauties will be exposed.

On the drive back down the 101, the sun peered through the clouds. It was gleaming a wonderfully brilliant halo on the stormy blue-green monster. I kept driving on home with a smile on my face, knowing God does perform miracles.

1 comment:

La Kloie said...

aww so profound! glade you and the kids had fun.